Saturday, July 27, 2013

Passau and not too bad

Went better today but not perfect of course would not have a story if it went too well.Stinking hot in Munich all through the night had to have two cold showers, one because it was so hot and one to cool  down after practising my  German with arms flailing i'm not convinced that is working as when I went to the front desk Bitterschun arms going at 100mph the one girl gave a nod to the other girl who backed out of the room well keeping her eyes on me the whole time, followed by a police siren  going off.Dankescchhun and left quickly. Breakfast was really good cooked plus everything else so threw some prunes in some yougurt plus toast could not find the butter so had oudlings of jam.Went for a walk after that followed by another cold shower. So that put that put me in the right frame of mind to tackle the Bahnhoff. Cluing in I went directly to information. Had a bit of an AHS conversation with the girl I did not know that AHS has employe's in Germany but apparently                      
they do. Girl you must catch 10:24 TRAIN to Passau me what if I go at a different time girl you must catch 10:24 train to Passau me what if I go at a different time repeat 4 more times.OK i get on the 10;24 train to Passau youu can't win. Train has a.c. could that be why it is full. Leave station on time really comfortable ride countryside is beautiful, everthing
is going oki doki. Along comes the conductor no problem i have my  ticket ready.He gets out a machine that German Rail has purchased from Star Wars, he points the Lazer Ray at the ticket not at me. Credit card I expected this correct card handed over swipes a few
times as a warm up exercise then trys a few more swiping with a little more venom
It does not work so he starts punching in numbers, then he gets out the light pen and shines that over every inch of the card. I should have showed him the little trick with a plastic bag but I knew that would not go over well so I gave him the dummy look well it worked this morning.Unlike yesterday the conductor is talking under his breath and the words become faster, I thought I caught a schisser but that could be me. He eventually
gives up with his Lazere weapon and demands passport which I produce toot sweet, as I am organised.With that bit of business done he  reels off a speech in German and waves  his arm in some general direction. Lucky for me the young guy sat opposite says atthe  next station you have to get on the front part of the train as they disconnect the part we are in.Phew close shave. So i get on the front part of the train.Next Ihaveto change at Pliffing no problem but just to make sure i ask the girl sat next to me. Yes you can do that she says or you can stay on this one it takes a little  longer but my ticket says  I must change and I now know that DB iss part of AHS so change I do have 5 mins  to get over to the other platform.

THE Wein Express pulls in that is Vienna to all youu non Germans and who gets on in front of me but the girl who just told me that the other train goes to Passau maybe my English is missing something as well. Greattrain ride pulls into Passau right on time I get out and the Polizi are everywhere I thought the girl from the Munich Hotel must have called ahead but no theree is a demonstration of youth at the station.
Am now inn Passau ready to pick up my bike in another hour still stinking hot.

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